Modern Slavery Statement
2023 - 2024

This statement is designed to satisfy the requirements of Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”), by setting out the approach of Trust In Care Ltd to modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and labour rights violations in its supply chains.
We continue to take our responsibility to prevent modern slavery and trafficking within our supply chain seriously.
About Trust In Care Ltd
Trust In Care is a leading care and support provider based in Birmingham, West Midlands. We are a company registered in the United Kingdom under companies house, registration number 11476060.
Procurement Policy and Processes
All potential and incumbent suppliers are dealt with professionally, fairly and ethically and that we uphold the principles of sustainable procurement at all times. Our procedures also comply with UK law and address environmental management, health and safety and equality legislation.
Identifying and Managing Risk
Trust In Care only require a handful of suppliers therefore senior management will always overview and review suppliers along with performance. Therefore a due diligence process is carried out for each supplier to identify any risks and appropriately manage.
Managing Risk and Adherence to the Act
Our standard supplier contract and grant agreements include modern slavery and human trafficking undertakings. We expect our supply chain to respect and comply with all applicable laws.
Our People
We provide regular training to all our people to increase their awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking so they’re able to understand, identify and report on these risks. We are committed to maintaining an honest and ethical culture, ensuring our people are aware of our anti-bribery policy and zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption.
Trust In Care aim to provide the best service to our clients in the most ethical way possible, there is a strict zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, in this day and age we pride ourselves in ensuring we are diligent and unwavering in our standards.